Most of Mexico, most people have never even heard of. It’s a deceptively regional place, in food culture and way of life. It rivals the intricacies of France or Italy, how the next town over can make a dish different or make a sweet found nowhere else the same way.
Puebla is a place full of localized specialties. Yes, there are the famous moles, a palette of thick colorful complex sauces, the famous cemita sandwich piled high with Oaxaca string cheese and herbaceous pápalo. But there are also pumpkin seed iced cookies and bubbling pots of things that look and taste wildly different than other places in Mexico. This is not Ireland, where everyone was forced to reinvent the potato a thousand times over, one trip to the market and there is an arsenal of hundreds of chiles and spices and shrubs to recombine into endless dishes that never make it out of the region.
To travel Mexico is to get to the very bottom of what travel can give you. You go with a set of preconceived ideas and as you pull at the string an entire world opens up you never knew existed. All you have to do is jump on a chicken bus to a place you’ve never heard of, walk off the tourist square and learn to say “one of those please” in Spanish.
Reggie Milliga, Co-Founder, Mantry
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