Mantry introduces our "Expert" series. From Bourbon to Jerky to Keto to BBQ top minds give us their insider picks.
Next up, Hot Sauce Reviewer "The Hot Sauce Bro" gives us the stone cold truth about some hot sauces.
Enter The Bro....Drumroll...
🔥🌶 I am a Bro. A Hot Sauce Bro. My purpose on this earth is to taste all the sauces. No sauce is to mild or to wild for this Bro. 🌶🔥
The Hot Take:
"Dirty Dicks BRO omg. @dirtydickshotsauce has done it AGAIN with this incredible piece of art. The mole vibes that I get when putting dirty dicks in my mouth is undeniable. Not too hot, but an incredibly unique flavor that is honestly difficult for this BRO to describe. Smoky, sweet, spicy, and full of love. This sauce will have you and your BROS wishing you had bought 5 more bottles."
Thanks Bro.
Follow The Hot Sauce Bro on Instagram at @hotsaucebro or follow this link.
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