Puebla, Mexico

A couple hours bus ride outside Mexico City in Puebla, it’s ant egg season. A Mexican delicacy that dates back to the Aztecs, something that seems perverse to North Americans until you realize what goes into an everyday hot dog. These were served gently warmed with a little butter and jalapeño. Creamy, buttery and actually pretty delicious.

I still get a jolt of childish anticipation to try a new food for the first time while traveling. It’s something about teetering on the edge of uncertainty, to not really know what that mysterious broth or alien fruit will taste like. How your brain will compute these foreign flavors. Will it taste like something else or create a new category entirely? It’s a rush, it’s that wonderful payoff for curiosity.

-Reggie Milligan, Co-Founder, Mantry.com

Episode Intel:

Mercado Municipal La Acocota
C. 16 Nte. 605, La Acocota, 72377 Puebla, Pue., Mexico
Reggie Ate: Huaxmole de Zancarron - Guaxmole (also known as “huaxmole” or “mole de guaje”) is a dish that is prepared with guaje seeds (pronounced “goo-ah-heh”). This one is prepared with shank and served with blue corn tortillas and cemita (local pueblan bread).

El Mural de los Poblanos
16 de Septiembre 506, Centro histĂłrico de Puebla, 72000 Puebla
Reggie Ate: Escamoles or ant larvae considered "insect caviar", mole poblano.

Mercado Melchor Ocampo El Carmen
21 Oriente 205 (E/ 2 y 4 Sur) 72000 Puebla, Puebla, Mexico
Reggie Ate: Tortillas

Puebla-Cholula Train
11 norte y esq, Av 18 Pte #1801, El Tamborcito, 72094 Puebla, Pue., Mexico

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