Thunderbolt. Is that not the greatest name of any place on the planet? It’s in Georgia, on the outskirts of Savannah and Thunderbolt is home to a very special restaurant. Tucked next to a dwindling river and a small jetty that you can take a photo on (it’s the only other thing to do), sits Desposito’s. It’s a blue bunker-like building with old newspapers as tablecloths. They do one thing, seafood, no beurre blanc or bullshit just steamed seafood with a dustin’ of Old Bay if you’re lucky. I got a dozen oysters, they were plonked down in front of me steamed, unshucked with an oyster knife. Never have I shucked my own bivalve in a restaurant and I’m not sure I’ll ever be given the chance again. Things are wonderfully different in Thunderbolt.

Reggie Milligan, Co-Founder of Mantry

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