We know a wine guy named Dave. Wine tastes good on the weekend. So we had Dave recommend a wine for the weekend...
Dave's Wine Pick Of The Weekend
Tenuta Terraviva - Montepulciano d'Abruzzo Colline Teramane DOCG
"Terraviva — a small family run winery in Abruzzo who suggest it’s best pairing is “lunch”. Never shy away from a chilled red for lunch. #wineisfood" - Dave
In Other Words...
Who's Dave?
Dave is not a sommelier. In fact, there isn't substantial evidence Dave even knows anything about wine at all. But he makes assertive choices and can ramble off about skin contact just long enough that you're willing to take his word for it.
That's Dave.
PS: He has a series of cooking shows aptly called Stay At Home Dave, follow Dave on instagram here.
Maybe see you next weekend....

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